Santri Media Dakwah
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Pengantar Ilmu Tafsir
Pengantar Ilmu Tafsir4.9
The "Pengantar Ilmu Tafsir" application offers an in-depth exploration of the science of interpretation, guided by the expertise of Ahmad Sarwat, Lc. MA. This Android application provides a comprehensive explanation of the purpose behind the introduction to the science of interpretation, presented
Surat Al-Fatihah Dalam Shalat
Surat Al-Fatihah Dalam Shalat4.9
Explanation of Surah Al-Fatihah in Prayer This Android application provides a comprehensive explanation of Surah Al-Fatihah in prayer by Ahmad Sarwat, Lc., MA. Available in PDF format, this resource aims to deepen your understanding of this essential chapter in Islamic prayer. Importance o
Andai Saja Haditsnya Sahih
Andai Saja Haditsnya Sahih4.7
About the Application "If Only the Hadith Was Sahih, That's My Madzhab" The Android application titled "If Only the Hadith Was Sahih, That's My Madzhab" by Sutomo Abu Nasr is an invaluable resource for those interested in exploring the nuances of Islamic jurisprudence. This application presents
Shalat Lihurmatil Waqti
Shalat Lihurmatil Waqti4.7
Introduction The "Shalat Lihurmatil Waqti" application offers a comprehensive explanation of the meaning and significance of the Lihurmatil Waqti prayer, as elaborated by Muhammad Ajib, Lc., MA. This Android application is designed to provide users with an in-depth understanding of this particu
Fiqih LDR Suami Istri
Fiqih LDR Suami Istri4.6
Description of the Purpose of LDR Fiqh Husband and Wife This Android application, titled "Fiqih LDR Suami Istri," delves into the Islamic guidance and principles surrounding long-distance relationships (LDR) for husbands and wives. Authored by Aini Aryani Lc., the content is presented in a comp
Aurat Wanita Muslimah
Aurat Wanita Muslimah4.6
Aurat Wanita Muslimah: Understanding the Concept The Android application "Aurat Wanita Muslimah" offers a comprehensive explanation on the concept of aurat for Muslim women, authored by Isnawati, Lc., MA. This digital resource is presented in PDF format, providing users with a detailed understa